Conditions Of Play – Club Leagues 2024/25
Conditions Of Play – Club Leagues 2024/25
All League matches shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Sport of Bowls. [Ref: World Bowls - Laws of the Sport of Bowls Crystal Mark Fourth Edition] and the conditions listed below.
Constitution of the League
All players in league matches must be paid-up members of Banbury Cross Indoor Bowls Club (including substitutes).
The League Programme will be organised and administered by the committee of Banbury Cross Indoor Bowls Club.
No running, smoking, drinking, or eating is allowed on or over the Green.
Players will at all times abide by the notices displayed by Woodgreen Leisure Centre and/or Banbury Cross Indoor Bowls Club.
Constitution of Teams
All Team Members must be registered.
Triples a maximum of 5 players
Pairs a maximum of 4 players.
Any of the named players may play in any position throughout the duration of the league. Players cannot register for more than one team in the same league.
Following a written request players may be de-registered and replacement players registered at the discretion of the League Secretary.
Illegal Players
If a team uses a player who is registered for another team in that league, the offending team will be adjudged to have lost the match, nine shots to nil.
Score Cards
Rink fees must be paid before play commences and the full names (first name and last name) of all players must be entered on the scorecard. The names of substitutes will be underlined.
At the completion of the game, both cards will be countersigned by both skips and deposited in the box provided.
All substitutes must be fully paid-up members of Banbury Cross Indoor Bowls Club or members of staff of Woodgreen Leisure Centre.
If a team has not used up its allocation of registered players, any subsequent substitute will be deemed to be a registered member of that team and will be unavailable to play for any other team in that league.
Thereafter substitutes are allowed to play but cannot skip and must not be registered for any other team in the same league.
Non-registered members may play as substitute for any team and are not restricted to one team in a league.
Incomplete Teams
In a Triples League, If a team is only one player short, the game will start on time and the team with only 2 players shall use 8 woods, each player having 4 woods.
If the third player arrives and is ready to bowl before the jack of the second end is delivered, the third player may join the game in any position without penalty.
Otherwise, the offending team shall forfeit one quarter of its final score, rounded up to the next whole number.
[EXAMPLE: Team with 2 players, has scored 10 shots by the end of the game, so loses 2.5 shots rounded up to 3, So has a final score of 7 on the card]
The team with 2 players shall be responsible for the full green fee due for their team.
The team winning the toss, or the previous end, shall roll the jack, however, the team with 3 Players shall always play the first wood.
This will ensure alternate bowls play over the whole game.
It is the responsibility of the skips, to complete the scorecards and such cards should show the points scored, and the points deducted from the team with only 2 players.
If a team does not have 2 players ready to bowl when the game is due to begin – The start can be delayed by up to 15minutes, at the request of either skip.
If, still lacking 2 players at that time, the offending team shall concede the game, unless both teams agree to reschedule the fixture.
Rearranged Games
Every team should endeavour to play all allocated league matches.
If a side needs to cancel a game, they shall inform their opponents, at the earliest opportunity. They should also inform the Woodgreen staff to cancel the rink booking for the cancelled fixture. The game to be played within 56 days of the original date, but not after the end of the season.
The onus is on the side, cancelling the game to rearrange the match. If the defaulting team does not offer dates within 2weeks of the original fixture, their opponents can offer dates for the rearranged game.
If the game is not played within the time period, then the game, will be null and void.
If the game has been cancelled and both teams agree the forfeit of the match in favour of one of the teams, that team must pay their own rink fees and claim the win, with a score of 9 shots to 0 on their scorecard.
If agreement cannot be reached between the 2 sides, the Committee can be asked to adjudicate. In this case a letter should be sent to the Club Secretary within 28 days of the fixture.
Any points or otherwise will awarded at the discretion of the Committee.
Play and Scoring
The jack shall be delivered in compliance with Law 9 of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls.
Should the jack in any end be improperly delivered, or if it ends its original course in the ditch or outside the boundary of the rink, or less than 23metres in a straight line of play from the mat, the jack shall be placed on the tee, by the opposing skip, who will determine, with his lead player the position in which the mat shall be placed, within the required regulations, for the resumption of the end.
Timed leagues will be played for 2 hours, as defined by the end of session alarm, or 14 ends if this occurs first.
The final end will be played out providing the jack is in motion, having been legally delivered (from the mat), before the end of session alarm is given.
During the game, no member of any team will visit the head, other than to relieve the skips, as a matter of necessity.
All players should stay at the delivery end of the rink until it becomes the turn of the skips to take possession of the mat.
Skips must leave the head together and not revisit it after taking charge of the mat. Players should not stop and have lengthy discussions in the middle of the green, as this can be distracting to players on adjacent rinks.
ONE shot only will be scored on the first TWO ends.
Re Spotting
If the jack is driven completely outside the side boundaries of the rink of play or rebounds to a distance of less than 20 metres from the mat line it shall be re-spotted to the nearest re-spot mark. If that position is obstructed, then to as near as possible to it along the line joining the re-spot and the marked T.
If the jack passes above the face of the bank that is within the side boundaries of the rink of play, or comes to rest in any hollow in the face of the bank, it must be placed on the T.
League Changeover
Competitors preparing to play in any following league or casual bowls session, shall not take up position at the end of the rinks before the end of session alarm has sounded or been given for the completion of the previous league.
After the end of session alarm, the players will be mindful of the last end in progress and refrain from moving about when preceding players are still in possession of the mat.
Members of following teams shall refrain from intruding onto the green, readjusting scoreboards etc, until the preceding players have vacated the rink.
Also, as a courtesy, players arriving for a league after a casual session shall not take up position at the end of the rinks until 5minutes before the league start time.
League Dress Code
Men: Club shirt predominantly white shirt and grey trousers/shorts
Women: Club shirt or predominantly white shirt, grey skirt / trousers / shorts or culottes.
All competitors must conform to the regulations currently in force at Woodgreen Leisure Centre.
Members will be expected to conduct themselves in a sporting manner, in keeping with the standards of the club at all times.
Section 13 of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls regarding possession of the rink will be adhered to at all times. [i.e. possession of the rink belongs to the team whose bowl is being played until it comes to rest, so should not be distracted in any shape or form.]
Members practising on vacant rinks will be aware of the matches in progress around them and refrain from playing shots that may interfere with games being played on adjacent rinks.
Bowls Bags and other equipment must not be left at either end of the rink, thus preventing a free passage to the fire doors.
All complaints or disputes must be given in writing to the Club Secretary of the Banbury Cross Indoor Bowls Club Committee. No verbal complaints or disputes can be accepted for discussion by the Committee.
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