

Banbury Cross Indoor Bowls Club Constitution 


1. Name 

The name of the Club shall be the Banbury Cross Indoor Bowls Club (hereinafter called ‘The Club’). 

2. Objectives 

The Objectives of the Club shall be to encourage and promote the playing of indoor bowls and to pursue appropriate actions to support and achieve these objectives. 

3. Membership 

Membership of the Club shall be open to all. The Club is committed to promoting a safe environment in which children and vulnerable adults can enjoy taking part in games of bowls. 

4. Subscription 

The subscription for the members joining fee shall be determined by the Club Committee in conjunction with Cherwell District Council. The subscription is annual and starts from the opening of the green at a date to be agreed with the Council and Leisure operator in late September. All subscriptions must be paid before members can take part in organised club activities. 

5. Rights and Liabilities of Members 

Every Member of the Club will be entitled to use and enjoy in common with the other Members of the Club the facilities provided by the Centre and shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these rules and any regulations for the time being in force. A Member of the Club shall not by reason of his or her membership be under any financial liability except for payment of his or her annual subscription. 

6. Suspension and Termination of Membership 

The Club or Committee may suspend or terminate for good and sufficient reason the membership of any Member. The Committee will enquire fully into the circumstances of the case and shall invite the Member concerned to present a case to the Committee. If by a majority vote the Committee find against the Member he/she shall be invited to tender his/her resignation failing which forfeiture of membership will follow automatically. The Club Committee will inform the Manager of Woodgreen Leisure Centre of their action. 

7. Officers 

The Officers of the Club shall consist of:

  • President
  • Chairman
  • Secretary 
  • Treasurer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Ladies’ Captain
  • Men’s Captain
  • Ladies Vice Captain
  • Men’s Vice Captain
  • League Secretary

The Officers of the Club shall hold office for one year and be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting and shall be accorded full voting rights. 

8. Committee 

The Officers of the Club will form the Committee. Other members of the Club will be asked to take on other roles to carry out other duties as and when required by the Club.

9. Nominations 

All nominations for Officers must be received by the Secretary not later than seven days before the Annual General Meeting. After this nominations to fill vacancies can be made by the Committee. 

10. Finance 

The account year shall be the period commencing on April 1st each year and ending on the subsequent March 31st each year. The Treasurer shall control the finances of the Club and shall prepare a full income and expenditure account and balance sheet. There will be an independent examination of the accounts annually. 

11. General meeting 

The Annual General Meeting shall be held once in every year in the month of April and shall be only open to fully paid up members of the Club. The Committee may call a Special General Meeting for any special purpose at any time or forthwith upon the requisition in writing of any twenty members stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. 

12. Chairperson 

At all General Meetings the Chairperson of the Club shall preside and in their absence the meeting will appoint a Chairperson to preside. 

13. Notice of General Meetings 

Twenty eight days notice of the date of a General Meeting of the Club shall be displayed in a prominent place at Woodgreen Leisure Centre. Any motion, proposed and seconded by Members must be submitted to the Hon. Secretary twenty one days before the date of the meeting. An agenda will be displayed at the Centre fourteen days before the Meeting is due to be held. No business other than that specified in the agenda shall be transacted at a General Meeting. 

14. Voting at General Meetings 

Voting at General Meetings shall be by show of hands or by ballot, if so decided by a two thirds majority of the membership present at the meeting. A simple majority shall be sufficient for ordinary motions put to the meeting, but alterations in the Rules or amendments to the Rules must be agreed to by seventy five percent of the Members present. 

No Member present and entitled to vote shall exercise more than one vote provided that in an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
Club Members not attending such a meeting shall be bound by the decision of that meeting. 

15. Record of Proceedings 

The Secretary of the Club shall record the proceedings of the General Meeting. 

16. Club Committee Meetings 

  1. (i)  The Committee shall meet at least five times a year and four members of the Committee shall form a quorum. 
  2. (ii)  The Secretary of the Club shall conduct the correspondence of the Club and keep accurate minutes of all proceedings of the Committee. 
  3. (iii)  The Committee shall have the power to appoint a Member to fill any vacancy on the Committee until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club and that Member shall then be eligible for re-election. 
  4. (iv)  The Committee may appoint such sub-Committees and co-opt such additional members thereto as may be considered necessary and expedient and may refer to such Sub- Committees such of the power and duties that the Committee may determine. 
  5. (v)  The expenses of Officers and Members of the Committee or Sub-Committees in administering its functions shall be met out of the income or such other funds as may accrue to the Committee from the operation of its functions. 

17. Dissolution of the Club 

  1. (i)  If at any AGM or Special General Meeting it is proposed that the Club be dissolved the Committee will call a Special General Meeting within twenty eight days to discuss the motion for dissolution. 
  2. (ii)  If at that Special General Meeting the resolution is carried by seventy five percent of the Members present, the Committee shall proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club. 
  3. (iii)  After discharging all debts and liabilities, the remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the Members of the Club but shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organization or organizations having objects similar to those of the Club. This will be decided by the Membership at that time and will require a seventy five per cent majority to be carried. With the proviso that the organizations receiving the funds do not have the policy of distributing assets on dissolution to individuals. 

Last revised April 2022



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